Lightly Modded Server Update 12. May 2024

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Lightly Modded Server Update 12. May 2024

Post by Lefe »

Lightly Modded Server Update 12. May 2024
Im currently pushing out an update for the SCP's servers. From now on SCP's has access to the .human command which sets them to be human and the humans can now volunteer to become SCP. This will also happen if the SCP leaves the server. Meaning if someone on the SCP team leaves the server typing .volunteer [SCP] as a human class or spectator will replace them as SCP.
Also fixed a bug where SCP-173 didn't have full health on spawn.
Fixed a bug that made Cedmod not be up to date with playerstats on server.
Fixed a bug where for some people it showed 0 players on the server even though servers had 20+ people online.[/center]

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