ban appeal

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ban appeal

Post by bunny »

Ingame Name:
Discord Name (Optional): bunny

Why did you get banned?:for saying the n-word

Why should you be unbanned?:i didnt say it but i heard someone else say it heres the link

Evidence (If you have any): ... NjQ0MDcxLA
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Random Ghost
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Re: ban appeal

Post by Random Ghost »

hello kitten, thank you for making the appeal, after watching the clip you have provided. we have come to the conclusion, that you did infact not say the nword, and you will be unbanned. Have a continued good time on our server.
Sincerely Random Ghost
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Re: ban appeal

Post by Aho »


After listening to the clip again, staff agree that it wasnt you that said the n-word,you will be unbanned shortly.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


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